Close Quarter Combat Applications
General Overview:
Vanguard Counter Assault Training VCAT™ is a totally integrated, operationally focused extreme close quarter combat system known for its realistic approach to surviving sudden physical violence. The application of system and its assets deliver an end state that emphasizes threat neutralization and immediate conflict resolution under critical stress.
The primary focus of the VCAT™ system is placed on the up-close, fast-moving realities of extreme close quarter conflict that involve one or more armed or unarmed motivated attackers within the extreme close-quarter space. Our direct and effective training methods will provide the client with the training and critical skills to transition from a position of extreme physical compromise to a position of immediate physical dominance without hesitation.
The system delivers an efficient template of hype-violent H2H and edged weapon tactics that have been engineered to seamlessly integrate with the physical dynamics of the extreme close-quarter gunfight. This tactical proficiency provides the end-user with a scale of violence and measured response at the tactical level that intentionally compresses time and fully supports the fundamental principles of CQB.
End State:
These attributes and decisive actions will ultimately enhance the end-user’s ability to quickly identify, aggressively engage and rapidly eliminate threats with combat lethality faster and more efficiently within compressed timeframes: identify and aggressively engage secondary threats with the same economy of motion if required and move on to the mission objective with the greatest degree of success and survivability.